Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We Paid Cash: A New Staircase and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New

:: We Paid Cash: A New Staircase

We paid cash!

A testimony from Katie

In March of this year, my husband and I were able to purchase our first home. It was a newer home in great condition, but it needed some TLC. The previous owner chose some interesting paint colors and neglected to take care of minor maintenance issues. My husband, Nick, is quite the handyman, so we saw a home with great potential!

Nick works for a university, so he had some free time during the summer months that he was going to dedicate to home repairs/remodeling. Since the home only needed minor repairs, we knew we could tackle nearly everything completely on our own. We also knew that by doing the projects ourselves, we’d save lots of money in the process.

The one area of the home that we absolutely wanted to remodel (and as quickly as possible!) was our staircase. The previous owner had the walls painted a “lovely” forest green, and the staircase was pine. One word came to mind for me: YUCK!

When we sat down to decide how we planned to tackle the project and what our expenses might be, I was absolutely shocked when Nick told me that he thought he could do the entire staircase for $70 or less!

He estimated the following costs and supplies:

  • One can purple paint for the walls (approximately $30)
  • One can white paint (approximately $30)
  • One can stain (approximately $10)

So, after two weeks of lots of hard work on the part of my husband — prepping, sanding, planing, painting, and staining the wooden stairs and landings all by hand — we had a new staircase!

Our total expenses for supplies came in right around $70, just as my husband expected! He guesstimated that if we had purchased all new wood to complete the project, in addition to the paint and stain, our costs would have come in just shy of $600. And if we would have had a professional come in and do the work for us, it would have been even more expensive.

But thanks to some pre-planning, hard work, and creativity on the part of my handyman hubby, and some extra time over the summer to complete the project, we were able to pay just $70 cash for a brand new staircase!

Katie and her husband, Nick, are young professionals, both working full-time and pursuing graduate degrees at a local university. They enjoy remodeling their new home and saving money on anything and everything. In their spare time, they enjoy couponing (well, Katie does!), bike riding, taking their dogs to the dog park, and traveling.

Have you saved up and paid cash for something — large or small? Submit your story for possible publication here.


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Have a more disciplined, productive year! Get 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life!

:: Q&A: How did you get over your fear of public speaking?

Did you go to a class or group to learn how to speak well in public? I am trying to start my own business and need to speak to advertise at different groups and I get violently ill. Not a good trait for an entrepreneur! I’ve attended your seminars at conventions and wonder how you started with public speaking. -Lisa

Hi, Lisa! Can I just encourage you that I know almost exactly how you feel?

In fact, it's really quite comical that I (of all people!) am answering a question on public speaking. You see, ten or twelve years ago, public speaking would have been first on my list of "Things I Dread With a Vengeance".

The handful of times I had to do a tiny little bit of public speaking in the first 21 years of my life, I was absolutely paralyzed with fear ahead of time. I'd be sick to my stomach. Not able to sleep. Not able to think about much else — for weeks before each little speaking gig! And each of those handful of times I got up to give my little speech, it was very poorly executed and I was visibly shaken.

After I got married, I decided I'd avoid public speaking if at all possible since I loathed it so much. This stance worked pretty well for about seven years. And I figured that, as it stood, I was on track to being able to pretty much always avoid having to make a fool of myself in front of a crowd again.

Facing My Most Dreaded Fear

But that all changed about three and a half years ago. I was asked to speak on a panel at a blogging conference. I love blogging and talking about marketing and blog strategy, so the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I didn't think a panel would be all that bad. So I said "yes” — even though it was outside my comfort zone.

Three months later, I found I was slated for the panel plus the opening night keynote session!!! Talk about having a panic attack.

I'd never given more than a five-minute talk before, so I'm not sure what possessed me to go through with the keynote. But I did it — and I'm so glad I did now, even though I read the entire talk word for word, shook the whole time, and it can rightly be classified as one of the worst speeches ever delivered.

None of that mattered when I was finished though. Because I had done it. I had faced my most dreaded fear in the face and I HAD BEATEN IT!

Maybe I’d just barely survived. But I had survived. And that gave me hope, excitement, and amazing courage.

{That’s me giving my very first talk at the conference I mentioned above. I don’t think I really moved from behind the podium and I mostly gripped it for dear life the whole time!}

Learning to Enjoy Public Speaking

In addition, something crazy happened when I stepped off that platform: I realized that public speaking no longer seemed like the most awful thing in the world. In fact, there was a tiny part of me that actually enjoyed it.

As God began opening up more doors for me to speak, my husband and I both felt this was His leading… so I started slowly saying "yes" to a few opportunities. Each time, I was shaking in my boots. But each time, it got a little better and a little better. And, as the opportunities continued to come in, it fueled my desire to practice and hone the skill of public speaking.

The past three years have been a journey of growth and stretching for me. Stepping outside my comfort zone, making mistakes, and learning as I go.

I’m far from arrived and still have much to improve upon when it comes to my public speaking skills, but I actually now look forward to each opportunity and find so much joy in standing up and sharing what I’m passionate about with others. That’s downright amazing progress for a gal who used to avoid public speaking at all costs!

Here are some things I’ve learned in the past three years:

Just Do it — And Keep Doing It

This sounds ridiculously simple — and it is! — but it’s true: The best way to become a speaker is to just go out there and speak.

Accept just about every opportunity that comes your way — whether it’s speaking at the nursing home, giving a little talk to a group of children, teaching a class at the local community center, or sharing at a small women’s group. The more you can be in front of audiences practicing your material and trying new approaches, the better.

Practice, Practice, Practice

When you are first starting out as a speaker, practice more than feels necessary. I try to practice new talks from start to finish at least two to three times before delivering them. This includes using my slides, keeping my notes where I plan to keep them, and having a live audience.

Yes, you need to practice in front of a live audience of at least one or two people (preferably someone who will make you feel uncomfortable). I promise you’ll be glad you did!

Attend a Speaking Conference

Attending the She Speaks Intensive in January was one of the best things I’ve ever done as a blogger. Not only did I get to sit under amazing speakers and learn from them, but I also met Michele Cushatt (my speaking coach — more on her in a moment), got connected with Brian Scheer & Joy Groblebe (who have mentored me over the past seven months and recently became my managers — so thrilled to be working with them!), and met Ruth, Angie, Kathi, and Renee — dear, dear women who have all become close friends.

So yes, attending a speaking conference was right up there at the top of my list of Best Things I’ve Done As a Blogger! :)

By the way, if you’re looking for a speaking conference to attend, I’ve heard amazing things about the SCORRE conference and plan to attend it in 2014.

Hire a Coach

As I said a minute ago, I met Michele Cushatt at the She Speaks Intensive. I hired her as my speech coach shortly thereafter and she’s changed my entire approach to speech preparation.

Michele quickly taught me that I was going about things all wrong. You see, blogging and speech writing are two entirely different things — but I was trying to go about them in the same way. And that’s why it wasn’t working!

From Michele’s coaching, I’ve learned how to start with one key message I want people to leave with and how to clearly flesh that message out in a way that will resonate with my audience. She’s helped me pare down my massive lists of things I want to share in one talk and just hone in on a few major things.

The thing I love most about working with Michele is that she serves as a fantastic sounding board for me. We usually spend about an hour on the phone going over each new talk I develop. She listens to what I want to convey, challenges me on points she thinks are weak, and encourages me to dig deeper as a storyteller.

Having a speech coach has made a major difference in the quality of my speeches and it’s given me much greater confidence in my delivery. I can’t recommend a coach highly enough!

Ask for Critiques

Once you’ve gotten some practice under your belt, ask a few people you trust to sit in on your talks and give you candid feedback. Liz, my road manager, sits in on every single talk I give. Because she gets to hear the same talks over and over again (bless her!), she can give me invaluable feedback each time.

We usually have a debrief at the end of every speaking engagement. She gives me honest thoughts on what parts of the talk worked well and where I can improve. Having this input has been incredibly helpful!

For more advice, I highly recommend watching Chris LoCurto’s short video on how to become a better speaker. The trick he shares here really works!

What advice and encouragement do the rest of you have for Lisa? I’d love to hear!


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:: Ask The Readers: How can I save on groceries in a very rural area?

Today’s question is from Dani:

I live in a very small rural town in Nebraska — only 2,800 people. We only have 2 locally-owned grocery stores (Alco and Dollar General) and lots of small businesses. We don’t have a Sunday newspaper with coupons and I am 3 hours from the nearest Aldi, Walmart, or bulk food store.

I see the articles about how people can save thousands of dollars by shopping at Aldi or use coupons and I want to cry. Is there anyone else in my situation that has found a way to save money on groceries? -Dani

Do you have a question you’d like to ask Money Saving Mom® readers? Read the submission guidelines and submit it here.


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:: How to Become More Organized and Excited About Life

I was honored to join Tracy and Chelle from Clutter Interrupted for their podcast this week. If you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in life right now, you’ll want to turn this podcast on while you’re cleaning or exercising or folding laundry this week.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • The key attitude you need to have if you want to transform your life.
  • Simple strategies for becoming more disciplined and organized — that anyone can implement!
  • A small change I made in my day that had a positive domino effect on many areas of my life.
  • One of the reasons I’m most excited about blogging here at

Listen to the podcast here.

By the way, if you haven’t gotten a copy of my ebook, 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life, it’s available here.

Note: If you are in a place in life where you’d love to read the ebook but you can’t afford to pay for it, just email us through the contact form here and we’ll send you a PDF copy free of charge.


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:: Anne’s Safeway Shopping Trip: $41.96 spent for $40 in Starbucks cards, 4 bags of coffee, 5 drinks, and 1 food item

I was inspired by Anne’s shopping trip that she emailed in:

I spend $41.96 out of pocket for:

  • 4 bags of Starbucks coffee,
  • $30 in physical gift cards,
  • $10 e-gift card,
  • a free tall coffee,
  • a free food item,
  • 4 additional free tall coffees

It's like I paid $40 for the gift cards and got the 4 bags of coffee, 5 tall coffees, and 1 food item for $1.96!

Here’s how I did it:

Safeway is running a register coupon deal through 10/22 where if you buy 2 bags or K-Cups of Starbucks, you'll receive a $5 Catalina toward the purchase of a Starbucks card from their Gift Card Mall (see attached pdf of the page in the ad for additional details).

Transaction #1: 2 bags of Starbucks coffee using Safeway’s in-ad coupon for $6.49
Stacked with and the $2/2 (9-8-13 SS).
Total paid: $10.98 and received a $5/1 Catalina towards a Starbucks card

Transaction #2: Same as #1
Total paid: $10.98 and received another $5/1 Catalina towards a Starbucks card

Transaction #3: $15 Starbucks card
Used $5/1 Catalina from 1st transaction
Total paid: $10

Transaction #4: Same as #3
Used $5/1 Catalina from 2nd transaction
Total paid: $10

(Note: The Catalina didn’t say one per transaction, but the cashier had to ring them that way. It did specify one Catalina coupon per gift card, though)

At home, I entered all four Star codes online through my registered Starbucks card account and received a notice on my account that I should get a $10 e-gift card within a week. According to the website, I should also get a free 12 oz coffee code and a free food item code emailed to me.

Last, each bag of Starbucks coffee says once it is empty, you can take it to Starbucks for a free 12 oz. brewed coffee. My husband goes to Starbucks for a tall brewed coffee once or twice a weekend while studying, so this is a great perk for him so he can save some of his monthly allowance.

I paid for this out of our monthly grocery envelope. Since I have been couponing for a while, I have more flexibility in my budget due to my stockpile. It's nice to have two $15 Starbucks cards to tuck away for Christmas gifts!

Anne lives in the Seattle-area is a proud wife to a hard-working husband and proud mom to an active 10-month old daughter. Her husband works full-time and studies for the CPA exam during his free time. Anne runs after their daughter and around town for couponing deals. Being good Seattleites, they both drink a lot of Starbucks coffee.


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:: Sign up for PineCone Research & earn $3 for every survey you take

Sign up for Pinecone Research to see if you qualify.

Pinecone Research is one of my favorite survey companies. They pay $3 per survey taken.

See more of my recommended survey companies here.

(Note: The links in this post are my referral links. Read my disclosure policy here.)


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:: Free $5 Shop Your Way Rewards gift card

:: Papa John’s: 50% off any large pizza

:: Free ebook: The Question That Never Goes Away by Philip Yancey

Free ebook: The Question That Never Goes Away

To commemorate September 11, 2001, Philip Yancey is making his latest ebook, The Question that Never Goes Away, available for free on Kindle on September 11-12, 2013.

This book is a follow-up book to his book Where’s God When It Hurts?.

The Question That Never Goes Away



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:: Free Stossel in the Classroom DVDs (teachers)

Teachers, you can sign up for the free 2014 Stossel in the Classroom DVD:

This 47-minute DVD includes eight segments from John Stossel television programs (listed below), chosen and edited specifically for the classroom.

College Tuition and Campus Luxuries
Product Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned?
High Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles
Food Nannies: Who Decides What You Eat?
The Psychology Behind Political Campaigns

Videos are intended for advanced middle school, high school and college age studuents. The 2013 DVD is also still available in limited supplies.

Thanks, The Freebie Blogger!


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:: Free 9/11 Notebooking Pages

:: Lost in India: Free Online Global Adventure

Sonlight is bringing back their very popular Free Online Global Adventure again this year. This year’s theme is Lost in India, a six-week online video journey through various parts of India.

Here are more details from the Sonlight site:

Calling all adventurers! Get ready to tag along with Chris, your host, as he heads off to India to visit his friend, Justin — and immediately gets lost! Will Chris get where he needs to go? Will his friend find him? What adventures await? Sign up today to get "Lost in India" and find out!

Through 8 videos, your family (or church group, school group, etc.) will travel across India with Chris, visiting incredible places and meeting extraordinary people. And — best of all — you’ll see some of the amazing things God is doing in the land of India today! Register now to get your Adventure Kit (everything is totally free!), and get ready for fun interactive games, great stories, and much more!

Our journey begins October 8, 2013 — but to get your Adventure Kit in time, you'll need to sign up by September 20!

Note: This is a faith-based effort, but it includes many cultural and geographic insights.

You can see the trailer here. And you can sign up to receive the free Adventure Kit with map, stickers, and more.


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:: Educents: Free When I Grow Up I Want To Be 12-ebook Set

Educents is offering a free 12-ebook series on When I Grow Up I Want To Be. This ebook series was designed for children ages 8-13 and to give them a look at different career fields.

The Old Schoolhouse WannaBe Series includes:

  • I Want to be an Artist
  • I Want to be a Chef
  • I Want to be a Doctor
  • I Want to be a Farmer
  • I Want to be a Firefighter
  • I Want to be a Police Officer
  • I Want to be in the Military
  • I Want to be a Missionary
  • I Want to be a Pilot
  • I Want to be a Veterinarian
  • I Want to be a Video Game Designer

Thanks, Free Homeschool Deals!


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:: Gretchen’s CVS Shopping Trip: $19 worth of products for $1.14 out of pocket

CVS Shopping Trip

2 Colgate Total Toothpaste – $2.99 each
Used 2 $1/1 coupon from the 9/8 SmartSource insert

1 CVS Probiotic – $9.99
Used $2/1 CVS probiotic coupon from the in-store coupon machine (I received this last week.)

Used $13 ECBs from previous shopping trip

Paid $1.14 out of pocket (tax only!), Received $9.99 ECBs (for buying probiotic) and $4 ECBs (for buying Colgate)

Total before coupons, sales and ECBs: $19.21

Total after coupons, sales and ECBs: $1.14 plus $13.99 ECBs leftover


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:: Printable coupons: Skippy, Cutex, CoverGirl, Green Giant, Pine-Sol, plus more

Here are some new printable coupons available today:

$0.55 off any one (1) SKIPPY peanut butter product
$0.25 off ONE (1) YoCrunch Chips Ahoy! 6 oz Cup
$0.50 off Any Cutex Nail Polish Remover
$1.00 off one (1) PERDUE Ground Product
$2.00 off Cutex Baseworx Strengthening Basecoat
$1.00 off ONE COVERGIRL Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss
$0.60 off 3 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables
$1.50 off any two Uncrustables Products
$0.75 off 2 Betty Crocker Ready to Spread Frosting
$1.00 off 2 BOXES any flavor General Mills cereals
$0.75 off any (1) Pine-Sol multi-purpose cleaner
$1.00 off ONE (1) 2000 Flushes Toilet Cleaner

(Note: The link in this post is my referral link. Read my disclosure policy here.)


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:: The best online household & grocery deals this week

Here are some of this week’s best grocery & household deals from, courtesy of Terry and Mandi from Jungle Deals & Steals. Many of these prices are higher than what you'd pay by combining coupons with sales, but they may be good deals for you if you live where there aren't many stores or deals are scarce:

Barbara’s Bakery: Pick up 2.125-ounce bags of Barbara’s Bakery Snackimals Animal Oatmeal Cookies for as low as $0.45 each ($8.03 for the pack of 18).

AAA Batteries: Now’s a great time to stock up on AmazonBasics AAA Alkaline Batteries available for as low as $0.28 each ($5.52 for the pack of 20).

Gerber: Get this great deal on Gerber Good Start Gentle Powder (23.2 ounce) . You can pick it up for as low as $18.12.

Pampers: Get Pampers Sensitive Wipes for as low as $0.02 each ($7.78 for the 448-count) or ($18.91 for the 768-count).

Aleve: Here’s a great deal on Aleve.  Pick up the 270-count for as low as $12.44.

Quilted Northern: Stock up on Quilted Northern Ultra Soft and Strong Bath Tissue Rolls. Get them for as low as $0.38 each ($13.85 for the 36-count).

Ragu: Ragu Old World Style Traditional Pasta Sauce is available for as low as $1.85/45-ounce bottle ($7.41 for the pack of 4).

Terry & Mandi are a busy mother-daughter team that look for ways to save money without sacrificing a lot of time, and they share their love for all things at Jungle Deals & Steals.


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:: Grab 150 free Recyclebank points

:: Free Because of Winn-Dixie Printable Pack

:: Free Prewriting Practice Printables

:: Make It From Scratch Challenge: Pancake Muffins (Day 2)

So I promise I won’t make chocolate things every day this week for the Make It From Scratch Week, but I couldn’t help myself since I was so eager to try the On the Go Pancake Muffins.

{Silas got the muffins tins really well greased! :) }

{Yes, I need some help with my stained muffin tins — if you have any great suggestions, I’m all ears!}

I thought the On the Go Pancake Muffins were decent, but they didn’t wow me. I think it’s because I decided what I like best about pancakes is that buttered griddle flavor.

Have any of you tried this recipe? I’d love to hear what you thought of it.

Are you participating in the Make It From Scratch Week? If so, link up your blog post about today's Make It From Scratch Project. Don't have a blog? Tell us about what you made in the comments.


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