Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Budget A-Ha! Moment and more...

Money Saving Mom


Here's What's New

:: My Budget A-Ha! Moment


Guest post from Jennifer

About a year ago, I became a stay-at-home mom to two boys who are now 2 and 4. Making this leap from two incomes to one was an adjustment to say the least — and my husband and I knew things had to change in order for us to make this work financially.

First and foremost, we knew we had to have a budget. We discussed where our money should be going and among other things decided on a $75 per week grocery budget. This would also include all toiletries, diapers, wipes, etc.

This was a great concept and I was excited to get started. I confess no actual budget was written down or reviewed each month, it was basically a verbal budget that I was “keeping track of” in my head.

Over time, we learned that verbal budgets don’t work and are a terrible and naive way of having a budget. Sadly, I didn’t realize this a year ago.

Every week, I made two major grocery trips: one to Aldi and one to Walmart for price-matching. I told myself that as long as I spent between $25-$35 at each store we were doing good. Many times, I only spent $20-$30 at Aldi so I always thought I was being a good frugal stay-at-home mom.

The truth is, I never really counted the small trips to the Dollar Store, Target, or CVS since I would spend less than $10, and I was getting so much for so little with coupon stacking, and ECB’s. As long as I spent between $20-$35 on each of my big trips each week I was staying within my make-believe budget.

How silly is that concept?

Oh, and I didn’t mention our once to twice-a-month trip to Costco that was never put into my equation. Typing this makes me want to go back in time and slap some sense into myself!

Fast forward a year later…

My husband and I decide that I need to be the one that starts paying the bills and taking over our finances. We do bill-pay with our bank and everything is set up through e-mail so this task isn’t very time consuming, but it was my turn to manage it all.

We also discussed another budget. You see, for the past year, we couldn’t figure out where our money was going. Well, we could by looking at our bank statements, but we just never took the time to do so and really see where we were spending our money.

Since I was deemed the new money manager of the Willis family, I decided it was time to break it all down and see why we weren’t putting money into savings each month. I was shocked, no — more than shocked — I was blown away to see that my” $75 per week” grocery budget was main reason we weren’t saving any money.

In the month of July alone, I overspent by $260! All those little trips to Target, the Dollar Tree and CVS added up quickly, to say the least. This was more than a wake up call, this was an air horn blowing in my face telling me to wake up and take control of our money. Aha!

The real put-on-paper-and-be-accountable-for-our-money plan:

My husband gets paid on the 1st and 15th of every month, so we decided that we would start doing a cash withdrawal from each pay check of $150 for groceries. When I reviewed our bank statements, it was the 6th of the month and I found out I had already spent $130 of the $150 allocated for the first half of the month…yikes!

At this point, I was so disappointed in myself I decided to take the challenge of only spending $20 ($22.78 to be exact) in the next 9 days on groceries and toiletries, and school supplies for my preschooler.

What we did to make it work:

1. I made a meal plan with the food we already had.

I had been doing a weekly meal plan for some time now, but it always included a grocery list of items I would have to get to make the meals. This time I made a plan with the food we already had on hand.

A crazy thought, huh? I was amazed to see what we had hiding in our freezers and pantry. I created new meals we never had before and made it work.

2. I saved leftovers and actually ate them!

In the past, I would save leftovers but then on trash day those good intentions went into the garbage. This time, we ate those leftovers.

I also saved food not eaten by my children that was still left on their plates and not touched (things like grapes and peas) and used them for another meal or for snacks. Normally, I would just throw the leftover food in the trash and not give in a second thought.

3. My husband and I drank less milk and soda and more water and tea.

Before, our family would easily go through 5 gallons of milk per week. We had a large glass of milk for every meal, and my kids love milk. That is why I didn’t mess with their milk intake.

I didn’t want to create unhealthy habits for the sake of saving money. However, my husband and I were drinking way above the amount that is recommended, so we cut it down and drank more water and tea.

4. I made food out of food.

Its a wild thought nowadays to make food from scratch… but it works!

I wanted to use a recipe that called for cream of chicken soup but we didn’t have cream of chicken soup. However, we did have all the ingredients needed to make it, and that’s what I did. It’s easy and straight forward.

5. I bought only what we needed for that week.

On the Sunday before my budget overview, our church message was about the Lords Prayer. The section that stuck with me was “Give us this day our daily bread…” Not our monthly bread or stockpile bread but our daily bread.

So often, I tend to stock up on items just because they are on sale, or a great deal with a coupon — and a stocked pantry or freezer is justification on why my grocery bills are larger than they needed to be, or why our savings account was dwindling. But, during these 9 days I took a hard look on what my family actually needed, and it was a lot less than I realized.

I’m not anti-stockpiles by any means, but for my family in this season of our lives, a fully funded savings account will do us more good than 25 boxes of Mac and Cheese. I do plan to take advantage of sales and use coupons on items as long as I can stay within my cash budget and be able to get what we need for that week.

6. I looked around the house for my child’s school supplies.

Thankfully, my oldest son is in preschool, so the supply list was pretty small. He already had a backpack from last year, and Toy Story doesn’t go out of style! I bought off-brand crayons and markers because he’s in preschool. I had a box of ziptop bags in my pantry, and a couple of glue sticks in my craft supplies.

Before my budget A-Ha moment, I would have easily spent $20 or more on school supplies, justifying it as necessary for school, and a one-time purchase. But since I put myself of a cash budget, I spent under $5 and my son still had everything he needed to learn his colors and letters.

7. We had fun with it.

My husband and I like to tease each other and have fun, and this situation was no exception. We didn’t stress out or become angry, we thought outside of the box and made it work.

We survived that 9 days with on $22.78, and on the 15th, I excitedly withdrew my $150 grocery budget for the second half of the month and bought milk immediately! I’m sort of kidding… but I AM happy to say that during this first month of actually following our budget we were able to put over $300 into our savings account!

Going to a cash budget is hard and sometimes not so fun, especially when you have 3 days left until the next cash withdrawal and you’re counting coins to buy eggs and diapers.

We will have bumps along the way, and may have to dip into next month’s cash in order to buy deodorant. In the long run, though, when we have the savings we need to replace broken-down appliances, mend broken arms, or have a proper family vacation, the extra work and planning will be well worth it.

Jennifer Willis is a stay-at-home-mom of 2 boys, Henry (4) and Charlie (2). She’s been married to her husband, John, for 6 years and they live in Olathe, Ks.


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Thanks, Totally Target!


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21 Days to a More Disciplined Life

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:: Free printable Fall Bucket List

:: Love Isn’t Just a Feeling

Yesterday morning, my husband called from the car shop and told me the repair work he had initially thought was going to take just 30 minutes was going to require more time. He needed to get to the office and was wondering if I could hop in the car and drive over and pick him up and then we’d swing by our house and he’d take my car to work.

We’d gotten back from Colorado at midnight the night before and I’d slept in a little, so my morning wasn’t off to the greatest start ever. In addition, being a Type A personality, I’m not great at dropping everything to go run an unexpected errand.

As usual, I had my day all planned out and I was charging full steam ahead on the plan. This phone call wasn’t in the plan.

So truthfully, I didn’t respond all that well at first. I was a bit irritated about having to ditch my plan to go pick up my husband.

As I thought about it more, though, I realized how selfish I was being. Here I was all miffed about my schedule having to get rearranged and I wasn’t taking one tiny thought for my husband.

Without one bit of complaining, he’d rearranged his entire schedule to fly to Colorado for meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. This had prevented him from being able to take the car in sooner. Plus, it wasn’t his fault that the car place couldn’t get the work done sooner.

Yes, I was being selfish — and unloving. I was thinking only of me, myself, my plans, my schedule, and my to do list.

And besides that, I was frustrated over having to do what would really only constitute a 15-minute errand. Pathetic, I know.

Love isn’t just a feeling. Love isn’t just words we say or write.

Love is action. It is doing and giving and serving.

It is dropping everything to help someone else out. It is giving up my plans and being available when someone else needs me.

True love requires sacrifices. It costs us something. But it’s worth it!

I thought about all this on the drive over to pick up Jesse. When he got into the car, I asked his forgiveness for my attitude toward him and told him that I was so happy to have the opportunity to show him in this little way how much I love him. And I truly meant it.

Let me tell you, that felt better than crossing something off my to-do list ever would. The added bonus? I ended up getting everything done yesterday — with time to spare!

photo credit; photo credit; photo credit


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:: Free Homeschool Curriculum & Resources

free homeschool curriculum

This is the weekly list of Free Homeschool Curriculum and Resources compiled by Jamerrill from If you aren't a homeschooler, but you're a parent, teacher, babysitter, or nanny, you'll probably find at least a few useful freebies in this list. You may also want to go through the Educational Deals and Freebies from earlier this week for more.

Download this FREE Autumn Leaves! Mini Science Project.

Go to Mama's Learning Corner for these Free Moses Bible Coloring Pages. Also available – Free Adam and Eve Coloring Pages.

The Homeschool Hub is offering a Free Autumn Notebooking Unit for subscribers of their newsletter. This is a 34-page unit.

Just in time for homeschool field trips enjoy free entrance to over 100+ National Parks on 9/28/13.

Free Online Spelling Lessons, Tests and Printable Spelling Word Lists By Grade.

Here are free skip counting mazes. There are free printables for skip counting by: 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and5s.

Grandparents Day is September 8th. Print off these cute Free Grandparents Day Printables for the kids to give.


Free Preschool Assessment Printables

Visit One Beautiful Home to download a free preschool assessment printable workbook.

Have some apple themed learning fun with a free Apple PreK/K Printable Worksheet Pack.

Do you collect classic books? Here are 10 Free Classic Kindle Books from this week. Check out Project Gutenberg for Over 42,000 Free ebooks.

Here’s information on Free Online Homeschool Curriculum Programs.

For your musical studies download a free Musical Instruments Workbook + More.

Bicycle safety is very important. Have a look at these Free Bicycle Safety Card Game Printables.


You can currently get a free lesson plan on Medieval Careers: Pages and Squires.

Don’t miss these Biology Vocabulary Flashcards – Elementary Level.

Mayflower Day is September 16th. Here are Free Mayflower Day Activities and Printables.

For state history get this FREE Arizona Worksheet Printable Pack and FREE Utah Worksheet Printable Pack.

Studying Egypt? Free Ancient Egypt Themed Resources for Homeschool.

Make writing fun with this Free Printable Paint Chip Writing Prompt.

A Free Weather Insider Lesson Planner is available through

Free The World's Greatest Artists Unit Study

Still available! The World's Greatest Artists Unit Study.

Get this Free Super Manners Printable Game for working on manners as a family.

FREE Christian Homeschool Lesson Plans and Quest Adventure are being offered by Compassion International.

Find 5 free word family activities for short "a" at The Measured Mom.

Motherhood on a Dime is offering a Free Baseball Scavenger Hunt Printable.

Download a Free Field Trip Log to keep track of your great field trips this year.

Here’s an encouraging post with lots of great tips for a homeschool family dealing with a recent job loss.

*Don't forget! If you are looking for additional free homeschool resources please check the huge growing list of free homeschool curriculum and resources on!

Jamerrill is the homeschooling mother of a large and growing family. After seasons of spending $50 or less annually to homeschool her children, she started Free Homeschool Deals in 2012 to help all families afford the homeschool life. She also has a community of encouragement for homeschool families at Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling. You can follow the homeschool goodness on Pinterest and Facebook.


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:: Coming next week: The Make it From Scratch Challenge

I’m so excited to announce I’m running a Make It From Scratch Challenge next week!

What’s that, you say?

Well, basically it will be 5 days of encouraging you to try making/cooking/baking things from scratch. As in, no kits or pre-packaged boxes allowed.

I thought it would be a fun challenge — and something just about everyone can participate in. You can choose to make homemade cleaners, or tackle a DIY project, or bake something from scratch. Or, you can just follow along as I attempt some new from scratch ideas.

If you already make most everything from scratch, then I encourage you to try some new ideas/recipes. If you don’t make much from scratch, this can inspire you to branch out, be brave, and try!

My plan is to try five different ideas — probably mostly recipes and DIY things. I haven’t completely nailed down my list, but I can promise you it will not have decorating or crafts on it. Because we all know my inability there. :)

Who’s joining me? Come back on to see what I experimented with and to link up your Make it From Scratch blog posts, too!


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